Ebuild for libsummer

I wrote an ebuild for the broadcatching library libsummer, that recently released version 0.1.0:

# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: $

DESCRIPTION="A broadcatching library"
KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
IUSE="bittorrent doc python"

        python? ( >=dev-python/pygobject-2.15.4 )
        bittorrent? ( >=net-libs/rb_libtorrent-0.14.1 )
        doc? ( dev-util/gtk-doc )"



src_compile() {
        econf $(use_enable bittorrent) $(use_enable python) $(use_enable doc gtk-doc) || die "econf failed"
        emake || die "emake failed"

src_install() {
        emake install DESTDIR="${D}" || die "Install failed"
        dodoc ChangeLog NEWS README AUTHORS

Download available here. To use unpack directly to your portage overlay.

Note: If you want the bittorrent functionality you will have to unmask net-libs/rb_libtorrent-0.14.1. It’s hard masked because it breaks a lot of packages relying on 0.13. Libsummer, however, was built on 0.14.

Mailman with lighttpd and Postfix on Gentoo

This post details how to setup mailman using lighttpd and postfix on gentoo.

Before starting I assume that you have:
* Lighttpd setup and working
* Postfix setup to handle mail from one domain
* MX records setup for the subdomain you want to use for lists

First, we need to install mailman, but before we do that we need to make sure it uses the right UID and GID (lighttpd) instead of apache, which is the default. To do this append


to /etc/make.conf and then proceed to install mailman:

# emerge mailman

Now it’s time to configure lighttpd. This we do by adding the following to /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf:

alias.url += (
          "/services/mailman/mailman-icons" => "/usr/lib64/mailman/icons/",
          "/services/mailman/pipermail" => "/var/lib/mailman/archives/public/",
          "/services/mailman" => "/usr/lib64/mailman/cgi-bin/",

$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/services/mailman" {
        cgi.assign = (
                "/admin" => "",
                "/admindb" => "",
                "/confirm" => "",
                "/create" => "",
                "/edithtml" => "",
                "/listinfo" => "",
                "/options" => "",
                "/private" => "",
                "/rmlist" => "",
                "/roster" => "",
                "/subscribe" => "")
        server.indexfiles = ("listinfo", "index.html")
$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/services/mailman/pipermail/" {
             dir-listing.activate = "enable"
             dir-listing.hide-dotfiles = "enable"
             server.follow-symlink = "enable"

I choose not to serve mailman from a vhost, if you want to do that you’ll need to change the above accordingly. Otherwise you’ll just have to change the url matches and aliases to reflect from where you want to host mailman. You will also need to make sure that the alias and cgi modules are enabled (located at the top of lighttpd.conf).

The next thing to configure is mailman itself. Append the following to /etc/mailman/mm_cfg.py:

MTA = 'Postfix'
DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'lists.example.tld'
DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'example.tld' 
DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'http://%s/services/mailman/' 
IMAGE_LOGOS = '/services/mailman/mailman-icons/' 


PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL = 'http://%(hostname)s/services/mailman/pipermail/%(listname)s'

You should set DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST to the subdomain you want your lists to use, DEFAULT_URL_HOST to the host from which you will serve the mailman web pages, and change DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN, IMAGE_LOGOS, PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL so that they are consistent with your settings in lighttpd.conf. The call to add_virtualhost is need when you change either of the _HOST variables like this.

Continuing, there is a few things we need to do as the mailman user. First install the cron jobs:

# su - mailman
mailman $ cd cron
mailman $ crontab crontab.in
mailman $ cd ..

Then set the site password:

mailman $ bin/mmsitepass

The site password works instead of any other password in the mailman installation, and is used to adminstrate it.

Next we create the site-wide mailing list, which is needed for proper operation of mailman:

mailman $ bin/newlist mailman

And logout from the mailman account and continue…

…with configuring postfix. This is as simple as adding the following two lines to /etc/postfix/main.cf:

virtual_alias_domains = lists.example.tld
virtual_alias_maps = hash:/var/lib/mailman/data/virtual-mailman

Once again replacing lists.example.tld with the subdomain you want your lists to use.

Now we only need to reload postfix, start mailman and add it to the default runlevel:

# /etc/init.d/postfix reload
# /etc/init.d/mailman start
# rc-update add mailman default

Congratulations, you should now have a working mailman install!

Ebuild for yubikey pam auth

(If you don’t know what a yubikey is, have a look here)

So I wrote up ebuilds for yubico-pam and its dependency yubico-c-client. You can get them here.

Just extract the tarball into your portage overlay and emerge pam_yubico. If you don’t have an overlay, then just do this (as root):

mkdir /usr/local/portage/
echo 'PORTDIR_OVERLAY="/usr/local/portage/"' >> /etc/make.conf
tar xvzf pam_yubico-ebuildstar.gz -C /usr/local/portage/
emerge pam_yubico

For myself I configured sshd to be able to login using either my yubikey or a normal password. I will describe how to do that – if you need some other configuration have a look at the PAM module’s site (mentioned above).

  1. You will need to get your yubico client id. The only way I know of to do this is through the YMS.
  2. Configure PAM to make ssh use the newly installed module. This by prepending auth sufficient pam_yubico.so id=16 try_first_pass to /etc/pam.d/sshd. Be sure to change 16 to the ID you aquired in step 1.
  3. Add your yubikey id to the file pam_yubico looks in, namely ~/.yubico/authorized_yubikeys. Create the file with and add the line user:yubikey_id. The yubikey id is the first 12 characters from the OTPs it generates.

And that’s it. You should now be able to log in over SSH using either your regular password or your yubikey.

Flash cycler

Since I had a some time on my hands I decided to make a web page that cycles through a collection of flash movies and shows each one for a specified amount of time.

It should work in most modern browsers – I’ve verified with Opera and Firefox (Internet Explorer doesn’t work).

You can find the source of the page here, and a sample of it in use here.

Super smash bros: Brawl (USA) on PAL Wii

I finally got SSBB working, and here’s how. But let’s start with what does NOT work.

First, my setup:
PAL Wii with latest firmware (Bought on the release date)
WiiKey (Firmware 1.9s)

Try 1 (No go):
Enabling update blocker on the WiiKey:
Doesn’t work, from reading a litte on the net I found out that you have to enable dev mode as well.

Try 2 (A bit better):
Enabled dev mode as well as the update blocker on the WiiKey. The disc loads correctly, but when you try to start it you just get a black screen.

Try 3 (Almost there):
Got a tip to try it in 50hz mode. Did that, and… it works. However the game runs awfully slow, and you get audio artefacts from some sounds which means it’s not really playable.

Try 4 (Success!):
Decided to try FreeLoader for Wii. I disabled update blocker and dev mode on the WiiKey, and changed back to 60hz.
First I went to the disc screen and inserted the FreeLoader disc and waited for it to load (you may see some graphic artefacts during this time). Then I ejected the FreeLoader disc and inserted my SMBB disc and started it. And it worked fine.

If you get a white screen saying the disc can’t be read after the “Loading…” message you’re propably suffering from a bad burn.

Now playing for irssi using Last.fm

You sometimes want announce what music you’re playing on IRC, but when using irssi on a remote server this becomes something of a problem. Therefore I wrote a script for irssi that track info for the currently playing track from last.fm, and prints it to the current channel.

To use the script:
1. Get it and place it in your ~/.irssi/scripts folder.
2. Optionally place a symlink to it in ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun directory to load it automatically when you start irssi.
3. Edit the file and change the $lastfmuser variable to your Last.fm username.
4. Load the script in irssi: /RUN npScriptLastFm.pl
5. You can now use the script by using the command /np

As written in the file itselft it’s distributed under the MIT license.
Hope you’ll find it useful.

Update 2: It is no longer recommended to use this script. See this comment for details and a better alternative.

Update 1: Thanks to Salminen (see comments), the script should now be working, I’ve updated the link so it points to the working version.

Flashing taskbar with PuTTY + irssi + screen

As quite many people do, I use to IRC using screen + irssi on my server, which I connect to using PuTTY. A little while ago I went out to find a way to make PuTTY’s taskbar flash when I was hilighted. It wasn’t trivial to find the information on how to do it (it took me some time), so I though I could share it:

In irssi:
/set bell_beeps on

And in putty:
Go to Terminal -> Bell in the settings, and set “Taskbar/caption indication on bell” to Flashing or Steady (whichever you prefer).

That should be it, and don’t forget to save the session settings in PuTTY so you don’t have to change them every time you connect ;) .

Rhythmbox 0.11.0 with new style Last.fm support for Gentoo

This is something I’ve wanted for quite some time: the new style Last.fm plugin takes Last.fm integration to Rhythmbox. Download here. You can install it by following these steps:
1. Add PORTDIR_OVERLAY=”/usr/local/portage/” to your make.conf
2. Run ‘mkdir -p /usr/local/portage’
3. Download the ebuild package from the link above and unpack it: tar xvjf new-style-lastfm-ebuild.tar.bz2 -C /usr/local/portage/
4. Emerging rhythmbox as you normally would.

And that should be it. Also, as the author of the patch writes, remember to only have one of the Last.fm plugins enabled at any time.